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Health & Travel Certificates
In Manhattan & Brooklyn, NY

Do you plan on traveling with your pet? If so, please schedule a visit to obtain a health certificate as soon as possible! This is legally required for your pet to travel internationally.

Pure Paws Veterinary Care

Traveling With Your Pet?

Traveling with your pet doesn’t have to be hard. Our team can easily and quickly get the travel certifications your pet needs!

  1. Check out USDA pet travel regulations to learn about specific regulations dependent on your destination.
  2. Fill out our Travel Certification Form.
  3. Book an “International Health Certificate” appointment where our team will work with you and provide paperwork that certifies your pet is healthy for travel.
  4. Jet set with your pet – wherever your destination may be!

The time frame to fulfill travel requirements varies depending on where you’re traveling to. If you’re not sure what the requirements are for your destination, reach out to us ASAP to make sure you comply with travel laws.

Our veterinarians at Pure Paws Veterinary Care are federally accredited to complete a Certification of Veterinary Inspection for your pet before you leave the country. This examination ensures your pet meets specific health regulations for the safety of you, your pet, and other members of society.

Planning is key! Health certificates are legally required for pets to travel internationally and most airlines require this documentation before your departure date. Please reach out to us as soon as possible so we can help you in the appropriate time frame relative to your travel. We also recommend booking direct flights when possible.

If you have questions about traveling with your pet, we’re here to help! Call us at 917-534-7838 or schedule your International Health Certificate appointment online. Visit our Travel Blog for additional information about traveling with your pet, and what to expect.